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EASYMAX MU with Bluetooth Dongle in Mobile Health Technology
Simplify Your Diabetes Management
EASYMAX® MU with Bluetooth Dongle
Target Audience – Patients living in rural areas
Wireless Data Transmission
EN ISO 15197:2015 / ISO 15197:2013
Strip Ejector
Backlit Display
EASYMAX® MU with Bluetooth Dongle is able to check your blood glucose anywhere with no obstacle or carrying a lot of equipment. With this tester and smartphone, you can check your blood sugar level anytime and anyplace without carrying any bag or wallet. It fits in your pocket or purse.
It is so easy to save the dreary duty or recording you results in a log book. With the monitoring of your results, you are able to achieve a better glucose control and pay more attention to your blood sugar level. Have this progress as your fingertips at all times is really helpful for you daily life. Give you a sense of independence.
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