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in Mobile Health Technology
Simplify Your Diabetes Management

EASYMAX® Tag - Smart testing. Easy management
EASYMAX® Tag glucose meter delivers fast and accurate results. The device is able to provide instant clarity of the results in few seconds with a visual reassurance and transfer your test results to the APP of your mobile phone through NFC. 2-buttons navigation to get the required parameters by keeping the procedure at the simplest.
Intuitive target range indicator provides visual reassurance.
Only the required parameters including test results and user's average (7/14/30/90 days) are visible on the meter.
Proven accuracy fulfilling the requirements of the ISO 15197:2013.
Test strips pack available in a 10, 25, 50 vial or foil, giving a convenient choice to the users considering the therapy or budget.
Entire data can be uploaded to GlucoManager APP by a single tag to your smartphone and check your data analysis in time.

Result indications
The ranges mentioned with blue, green and red bars present on the bottom side of the glucometer gives an indication of the result as follows:
- Blue bar: Indicates that glucose values are below normal range.
- Green bar: Indicates that glucose values are in normal range.
- Red bar: Indicates that glucose values are above normal range.
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